Sarah Kember is a writer, publisher and academic.
She is Professor of New Technologies of Communication at Goldsmiths, University of London and Director of Goldsmiths Press.
Her work incorporates new media, photography and feminist cultural approaches to science and technology.
Publications include a novel The Optical Effects of Lightning (Wild Wolf Publishing, 2011) and short stories
'The Mysterious Case of Mr Charles D. Levy' (Ether Books, 2010) and 'An open letter on the subject of life on Mars' (Nomorepotlucks, 28, 2013).
Experimental work includes an edited open access electronic book entitled Astrobiology and the Search for Life on Mars
(Open Humanities Press, 2011) and 'Media, Mars and Metamorphosis' (Culture Machine, 11, 2010).
Recent monographs include iMedia. The gendering of objects, environments and smart materials (Palgrave, 2016) and
Life After New Media: Mediation as a Vital Process (The MIT Press, 2012).
Sarah co-edits the journal Feminist Theory. Previous publications include: Virtual Anxiety. Photography, New Technologies and Subjectivity
(Manchester University Press, 1998); Cyberfeminism and Artificial Life (Routledge, 2003) and the co-edited volume Inventive Life. Towards the New Vitalism
(Sage, 2006). Current work includes a novel, provisionally entitled A Day In The Life Of Janet Smart. A co-edited open access volume Whose Book is it Anyway?
A view from elsewhere on publishing, copyright and creativity was published with Open Book Publishers in 2019 and a co-authored monograph Furious.
Technological Feminism and Digital Futures was published in the same year with Pluto Press.
Sarah is also a black belt in kung fu (Shaolin Nam Pai Chuan) and is developing her teaching in women's kung fu and self defence.